Kyle Corry

Projects Research Recipes

Trail Sense Research

Offline Global Tide Predictions    2024-11-29

An on-device tide prediction model.

Turning a Photograph into a Map    2024-03-20

A system to turn a photograph into a digital map.

Augmented Reality From Scratch    2023-12-31

An augmented reality implementation from scratch on Android.

Solar Eclipse Prediction    2023-08-11

A simple method to efficiently predict locally visible solar eclipses, designed to be run on a smartphone.

Offline Temperature Prediction Using Historical Data    2023-08-05

An on-device temperature prediction model using historical data.

Sea Level Calibration of Smartphone Barometers    2023-05-01

A more robust method of calibrating smartphone barometers while on the move.

Cloud Image Classification on a Smartphone    2022-10-01

An on-device image classifier for cloud genera.